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Thursday, January 8, 2009.

Just in case anyone is still checking this blog let me reassure you that, yes, the blog WILL be finished! There are a few more posts to write, I'm just busy recovering from Christmas and moving onto signing up for classes at school. I will say one thing though: I miss Japan. And when I say I miss it, I mean I really miss it. So much so that I'm having Japan withdrawls and I'm planning on going back as soon as possible. My friend told me that if I was in Japan for several months I'd actually be more happy to be in America. He's probably right, but I still want to go back for an extended period next time. Either by studying abroad or by teaching English professionally, I will be back, and I intend to stay for more then a week. Well, I got some more stuff to do, but for your patience here's a photo:

I'll share the story of it in a later post.

Living Life Differently These Days
12:24 AM